x : Unknown

Poetry as History. History as Catharsis. Catharsis as Poetry.


written in reaction to Frippertronics

A man on a stage holding an instrument

Great moaning rivers
slender rivulets   twinkling brooks
crisscrossing currents underlie
a horn sounds crying life
red nebulous light frames the maker
scattered glass upon pavement foundation
in fading suns lie the seeds of new generations
through chiming reverie a kaliedoscope of worlds waking
cosmic magic
a reumbling refrain   the coursing of time eternal
and on the seventh note - he rested


chambered drip   distant thunderclap
beasts braying   echoing   fire huddling   muttering undertow
a caress cushions the fear
outside storm battering wind nailing rain rock leaves
a lover's firelight eyes   igniting   consuming
the maker reflecting   emotion unrevealing
inscrutable music   we are all the maker
great engines tearing out crescendo after crescendo
one lone voice singing at the head of the storm
one voice crying
one voice reaching
one voice   a multitude of answers
each answer a cacophony of other voices   other worlds
no voice is alone   no maker is one
no river flows to an end   no beginning
no more than this   and no need


sound of low bells roar echoing the storm
rippling through the charged and heated air
passing surreptitious crouching predator
surveying playing prey
life living only through death
a horn sounds crying life
huddled fire   singing   cowering
light footfall beating a circle   a ward
a home
a runner shouting
a hunter under fiery sun
a sage delivering the past
sound of chiming air echoing the creation


above the clouds a falling cinder etches its name in the hearts of the artists and priests below
depriving time from their machinery

Turning You Over

Turning you over
I'm turning you over in my mind

In my mind, I'm thinking   I've always admired you
Confidence in your viewpoint
Confidence in your body, your physical presence
Practical flexibility
The ability to recognize a good time for what it is and immerse yourself in it
All things I wanted in myself
All things I wanted to touch in others
I touched you...

Turning you over
I'm turning you over,   in my mind
Feeling your back
Feeling your sureness and strength
My hands a thawing glacier washing over you
Not even aware of what you are doing to me, preparing me for
Eventually   I'm not even there, in my mind
I'm turning you over

In lecture class today, I'm turning you over in my mind
I'm not even there
And wherever I am   I need you there with me,   you are there...
Feel the heat of your desire
The pull of your determination for rightness
Your hands and lips, rays of the sun pinpricking my skin
You reveal to me things I never knew,   always knew

I'm turning you over in my mind
Turning you over

Passion Release / Fear Release

Passion Release

wordless heat speaks, spoken
flooded delta passion skin
expectant thrusting root taken
unending shiver trivial want
cavernous pool tremor reflection

Fear Release

emotional buoy washing overunder
unfolding fear coursing barrier
unhindered tear battering soil
binding interference cable ready
refracted diffusion illusory fracture