x : Unknown

Poetry as History. History as Catharsis. Catharsis as Poetry.

Strung and Sleepless

restless and ravenous with
fifteen to go floating my
mind a compass caught
spinning in the storm the
magnetism merciless dragging
me down and around to
depths and doors left
unopened and unannounced if
only just once she
would shush me and touch
me with tender eyes would
it fill my surprise or found
my uncertain reality

Elemental Obvious

Artfully circling embracing fire
Hurtling wind weaving out and in
Stamping forgiving earth, a ward
Skies above eyes strained with rain

Funny Old Word

I fear I'm addicted, and there's
this fantastically aching new ache
in all the spaces you've made
inside me for yourself

If addiction this be,
then I will make this mine,
that I give from the barest heart of my being,
what you have seen from the beginning,
with eyes true and burning,
bringing light to all my dark places,
chasing off the aches with faces
poised in a pale soft green
and i ruminate over the words i've seen
and sent to the sky as a sign,
not of what we can be,
but of what we must be

In Progress

I close my eyes and you are there.

fine autumn leaf hair soft-cushions my troubled face
trembling, murmurs and smiles and half-spoken wishes
yearning is not always agony

I open my eyes and you are there.

Morning sun slips over your still form, disappearing
whiteglare resembling heat my presence
filled with uneasy peace and easy truth

PRAIRIE ECHOES: a continuing conversation

I've been here before

I've got a peaceful, uneasy feeling
Like the ratchet-clank of roller-coasters
storing up potential energy
Ready to kick it kinetic

Drunk on the possibilities
Curling my toes on the precipice

is it fate?
is it destiny?
or merely inevitable?

Easy and loose
Between new shoes
And three feet of snow

Lost and found
Speechless and comforted
I wonder at the sound of your voice
Nothing could be better than a swandive
I'm falling and the fire in my heart ignites, alive

Wind and stars, wind and stars

I've never been here before

I can feel it coming in the air...

You know exactly what I'm talking about: the little knot of excitement
that runs the marathon from gut to throat as you fire up the CPU.
You're a fool, as I am. You can't help but rush through the
pedestrian traffic. The unsolicited offers, the so-called comedic
forwards, the deluge of trivia. This is dangerous and flush with
promise of ruin and riot, but you know, as I do, that a kindred spirit
waits on the other end.

I have to warn you, I'm notoriously easy to seduce. I am drunk on
possibilities, and none too careful.

There was a field and a hill and a moon. The sounds of a party
drifted away into the night until all the noise and light was gathered
up into the round face in the black tarp of the sky. Before they knew
it, they were lying on their backs, and the world was wind and stars,
wind and stars.

Yours is a terrific dream, one well worth having. Since I met you the
other night, I have been in a stuttering half-dream... Am I cRaZy?
What force beyond power has caught hold of me and lifted me to such a
precarious place?

I am dreaming, but where will I be when I wake up?