x : Unknown

Poetry as History. History as Catharsis. Catharsis as Poetry.

table scraps


Pick you up and look for the label
Put you down back on the table

Someday you'll know I was right
When you're the person you promised you'd be


i need you to cut me off
i need you to cut me off
Will you be my tourniquet

Christ i dunno
I've run out of reckless abandon
just sit on my ass watching ruthless aggression
and i've already made last call


the ghost inside me loves the ghost of you still


Pull the trigger of the future
Kill the memory of the past


Sleeping gods lie [through their teeth]


Can't promise you a bed of roses
Without showing you the dirt
Can't reach for the pie in the sky
but make sure you don't miss the tin


You took the apple of my eye
Cut it up into a pie
Served up a slice oh so sly
So where's my fucking ice cream?


It's hot for damn near anywhere else
But cold for a day in hell

Made my bed
Now I have to tell half-truths in it


Three Mind Blights


now the game between us
is played out
now the song between us
is played out
now the rope between us
is played out