Looking for a partner in crime
Must have a sense of humor
Love my family, love my friends
But don't bother to wink
I won't respond
No, I won't respond
Sexy, Sexier, Secretary
Sexy, Sexier, Sedaris.
Seems We Made
Sure We'd Fail
In my bedroom, you'll find me
My most humbling moment, this is it
The best lie I've ever told
The worst lie I've ever told
I don't lie
No, I don't lie
Sexy, Sexier, The Shins
Sexy, Sexier, Self-deprecation.
Surely We Felt
Something While Murmuring
You're a wonderful man, but.
I never wanted to hurt you, but.
We can still be friends, but.
Every one has a liar and a fool
But I'm not the liar
No, I'm not the fool
Suddenly Weakness Merges
Solace With Fear